- Duty Officer Awareness: Ensure the duty officer knows the engineer’s location at all times.
- Dead Man Alarm: Activate and reset the dead man alarm system to ensure the engineer’s safety.
- Tank Levels: Check that all fuel, oil, and freshwater tanks are adequately filled.
- Bilge Status: Ensure bilges are dry and high-level alarms are operational.
- Sludge and Bilge Tanks: Maintain sludge and bilge tanks at safe levels.
- Smoke and Fire Alarms: Verify that all smoke and fire alarms are operational.
- Safety Cut-Outs: Ensure all alarms and safety cut-outs are functioning correctly.
- Compressed Air: Check that air receivers are fully charged.
- Fuel Separator Settings: Adjust fuel separator feed inlets and ensure temperature controllers are operational.
- Emergency Generator: Confirm that the emergency diesel generator is on standby.
- Fire Suppression Systems: Ensure CO2 and water mist systems are operational.
- Sounding Cocks and Caps: Make sure sounding cocks and caps are closed.
- Generator Standby: Ensure all stopped generators are on standby.
- Standby Pumps and Machinery: Verify that standby pumps and machinery systems are on standby and auto-start.
- Auxiliary Boiler: Confirm that the auxiliary boiler is on standby.
- Ventilation: Ensure all ventilation fans are running.
- Combustible Materials: Store combustible materials safely.
- Filter Pressure: Check that DP filters are within safe pressure limits.
- Watertight Doors: Ensure all watertight doors and funnel flaps are shut.
- Operating Parameters: Confirm that all operating parameters are within normal ranges.
- Air Conditioning: Ensure ECR air conditioning is functioning correctly.
- Loose Items: Secure all loose items in the engine room.
- Electric Appliances: Unplug electric appliances in the ECR.
- Welding Equipment: Remove workshop welding plugs.
- Gas Cylinders: Close acetylene and oxygen cylinder valves.
- Bridge Control: Ensure the main engine is on bridge control.
- Data Logger and Printer: Confirm data logger and alarm printer are functioning.
- Chief and 2nd Engineer Awareness: Inform the Chief and 2nd engineer about the UMS status.
- Vessel Position: Assess if the vessel’s position allows for UMS.
- Control Transfer: Transfer control to the bridge and inform the duty officer of the UMS commencement time.