Piston Rings

Piston Rings

Contents Introduction to Piston Rings in the Maritime Sector Purpose and Function of Piston Rings Main Manufacturers of Piston Rings Different Coatings and Construction 4.1 Common Coatings 4.2 Construction Differences Coatings Used by MAN in Slow Speed Diesel Engines...
Air conditioning on ships

Air conditioning on ships

Contents Introduction to Air Conditioning on Ships Importance of Air Conditioning on Maritime Vessels Components of Shipboard Air Conditioning Systems 3.1 Compressor 3.2 Condenser 3.3 Expansion Valve 4.4 Evaporator 3.5 Air Handling Units 3.6 Ductwork and Ventilation...
Slow speed ? med ? high ?

Slow speed ? med ? high ?

Introduction Engine Classifications and Speeds 2.1 Slow Speed Engines 2.2 Medium Speed Engines 2.3 High Speed Engines Uses in the Maritime Industry 3.1 Slow Speed Engines 3.2 Medium Speed Engines 3.3 High Speed Engines Leading Manufacturers and Engine Models 4.1 Slow...

Principles of Four-Stroke

Introduction Components of a Four-Stroke Engine The Four-Stroke Cycle Intake Stroke Compression Stroke Power Stroke Exhaust Stroke Comparison with Two-Stroke Engines Basic Operation Efficiency Emissions Applications Advantages of Four-Stroke Engines Fuel Efficiency...
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