EU Lawmakers Tighten Regulations against Marine Pollution

EU Lawmakers Tighten Regulations against Marine Pollution

In a concerted effort to curb marine air pollution, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and EU governments have agreed upon stringent measures, enhancing accountability for ship homeowners and operators. The accord, finalized in Brussels on February fifteenth,...
What Does Demurrage mean?

What Does Demurrage mean?

There are two types of ‘demurrage’ in shipping business: Tramp shipping ( the charter).– is when you hire (rent) a vessel for certain cargo or group of cargoes. Demurrage in this case is a charge payable to the owner of a chartered (rented) ship on failure to load or...
Whats is classed as “loss of” Cargo?

Whats is classed as “loss of” Cargo?

“Where the subject-matter insured commences the transit contemplated by this insurance (in accordance with Clause 8.1), but without the knowledge of the Assured or their employees the ship sails for another destination, this insurance will nevertheless be deemed to...
Loss by Jettison

Loss by Jettison

When goods or ship’s gear are voluntarily sacrificed by casting them overboard in time of peril, with the object of preventing the loss of the vessel and the balance of her cargo, there is said to be a loss by jettison, Such a sacrifice will normally be recoverable in...
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